Working with a contractor is always a bit of an exciting adventure. After all, you have to give your trust to an unknown party. If you thoroughly screen the contractor in advance, you can greatly reduce or even avoid the risk of problems. Here are few tips to choose best contractor from Best GC Pros Fayetteville NC.
Tip 1: Take your time
Take your time to find a contractor. View the contractor’s website, ask for examples of recent work or ask existing customers about the result and service of the contractor involved. Word-of-mouth advertising often works very well. If you work with an architect, he will certainly be able to advise you.
Tip 2: Check your contractor
You can check a number of things yourself. Check whether he has any social or fiscal debts. This can be done via the website of the FPS Economy. Also check that he has the correct professional knowledge. You do this via the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises. Find out how long the company already exists and which assignments it has performed. A good contractor is technically supported by the Scientific and Technical Center for the Construction Company (WTCB).
Tip 3: Request a quote
A good professional will always provide you with a detailed and technically well-founded quote. By comparing some quotations, you can make a well-founded choice. A quote is free. Take your time to study the offer and certainly do not decide in a hurry.
Tip 4: Choose quality
Take other criteria into consideration than just the price. Offers that seem too good to be true … are usually not true! Choose not only in function of the period within which the contractor can carry out your work. A fast service does not necessarily guarantee quality.
Tip 5: Avoid major advances
Advances are very current for construction projects. Often a contractor also has to buy material in advance. An advance of 20 to 30% at the start of the works is therefore certainly normal. However, you must avoid excessive advances. With larger projects you pay best as the work progresses.
Tip 6: Avoid cash
If you use cash, make sure you have proof of payment. However, avoid large amounts. Using cash money to have them work in black is illegal. But also know that you take a big risk. For example, you have no recourse for defects and no rights for disputes.
Tip 7: Request an invoice
If you have work carried out and do not request an invoice, this is considered undeclared work. For some premiums or tax reductions, an invoice is also necessary. An invoice gives you an overview of the work done.
Tip 8: Inform yourself about the Breyne law
For a new construction project or a thorough renovation, check whether you are covered by the Breyne law. This law protects you as a principal against unlawful stipulations in the contract and against the risk of insolvency of the contractor. The Confederatie Bouw offers a type contract that defends the interests of the consumer.
Tip 9: Be critical of labels
There are several quality labels in construction. Unfortunately, the quality of the labels themselves is also very diverse. An example of a reliable label is Construction Quality.
Tip 10: Search for a solution in case of conflict
You really want to avoid a lawsuit at all costs. A contractor can correct a possible error himself, which often happens in practice. You can contact the Reconciliation Committee for Construction or you can suggest to your contractor to contact the BBRI for independent advice.