To renovate a bathroom in Raleigh NC: where to start?
Those who are dissatisfied with their bathroom will recognize the story. Your house looks very elegant, only your bathroom is no longer complete. You are increasingly annoyed by your old-fashioned bath and long for a stylish shower. You dream to exchange your stand-alone washbasin for a practical double sink. Are you satisfied with the style of your bathroom, but is it no longer adapted to your needs due to a change in your living situation? Even then, a redesign of your bathroom will take place and for that you need a remodeling contractor that you can find with Best GC Pros Raleigh NC.
Even anyone who is fully renovating knows that a bathroom can be a difficult space to deal with. The technical aspect can be challenging, but also a practical, creative design is not always obvious.
In short, a bathroom renovation often involves more than you had thought. Unforeseen problems can pop up, not to mention unexpected costs. Read on and discover how you can make your bathroom renovation work quickly and smoothly!
STEP 1: Preparation
An important aspect of a smooth bathroom renovation is preparation. Knowing exactly which style your bathroom should have (modern, classic, rural) makes it much easier to see the forest through the trees. So go take a look at neighbors or friends, browse through some folders and go on the net!
The freedom you get with a completely clean slate can be overwhelming. That is why it is important to think carefully about what should be in your renovated bathroom – and what is not.
Also think carefully about the practical side. Those who like to take a bath in the bath may want a luxury bath. Those who prefer a quick shower will invest in a quality shower. Do you often have to go to the toilet at night? Consider placing one in your new bathroom.
Do you already have a good view of what your ideal bathroom should look like? Create a mood board, where you attach photos to a large paper or to a bulletin board. This way you immediately have an overview of the desired style.
Tip: On the social media channel Pinterest you will find a lot of inspiration for your new bathroom.
STEP 2: Budget
An essential part of a successful bathroom renovation is the budget. When one is fully absorbed in what the result should look like, one can quickly lose sight of the budget. That is why it is vital that you prepare a budget in advance and try to keep it to the maximum extent possible.
The cost price for a bathroom renovation also depends on which material you work with and for which bathroom furniture you choose.
Anyone who wants to work with the latest innovations in technology must also take into account a higher price tag.
If you get started yourself, you should also take into account a buffer in the budget. Unless you are an expert, there is a chance that unforeseen costs may arise, such as a pipeline that should be replaced unexpectedly.
If you prefer a concrete price estimate in advance, then you should hire an expert in bathroom renovations. Request your free quote from Nieuwbad and start your bathroom renovation.
STEP 3: Materials
When drawing up your mood board or researching your dream bathroom, you probably have not only thought about the final look of your renovated bathroom, but also about the choice of materials and desired sanitary appliances.
The choice is great. Not only do you have to make decisions about the sanitary facilities, but also about the floor, wall and ceiling finishes.
Are you going for wall tiles or water-resistant paint?
Do you opt for a special type of laminate or for floor tiles?
Will it be a bath, walk-in shower or shower cabin?
With a walk-in shower you also have to take into account a larger number of wall tiles than with a shower cabin. How important is the ease of maintenance of your bathroom furniture and room finishing for you? Is custom work needed for your bathroom? Keep in mind a possibly more expensive price tag.
STEP 4: Classification
Now that you can clearly imagine how your bathroom should look after the renovation and you can make a good estimate of the costs, you can make a floor plan.
Most bathroom furniture and sanitary appliances have standard dimensions. On an A4 sheet, you can draw the surface of your bathroom. Also, make cards with the dimensions to scale of your desired bathroom furniture and try out a number of layouts. This way you will immediately see clearly how your bathroom will look like.
Who is very visual, is the classification of his bathroom custom cut out in newsprint. So you can walk around in your renovated bathroom.
When looking for materials, keep in mind that you may not immediately find the perfect furniture or sanitary appliances. Therefore, take a look in good time so that your planning is not compromised. Also take into account the possible delivery time.
STEP 5: The real thing
If you only have one bathroom in your home, you do not want to spend too long on renovating the bathroom. If you carefully follow the previous steps, you will probably not be faced with unexpected surprises.
Nevertheless, renovating your bathroom can be much simpler: let yourself be assisted by an expert in bathroom renovations